Solar Trek


North Central Florida Contractor


SOLAR TREK, Inc. is a privately held Florida corporation founded by Vincent Biel in 1981 and then purchased by Mr. Biel's son-in-law, Patrick Altier in 2010. Starting as a manufacturer of thermosiphon solar domestic hot water systems, SOLAR TREK continues to manufacture solar hot water components from patents held by the company.

The company has evolved to a full service solar renewable energy company to include solar pool heating systems, solar air conditioning and solar electric.

SOLAR TREK has received many awards since its inception in 1981. In 2014, our company ranked 116th nationally and 14th statewide for solar electric installations. Notable installations include the Georgia Tech Aquatic Center, Florida's Governor's mansion as well as providing support for the Orange County Convention Center and Stetson College for other solar contractors in our network.

Additional Info

Member Since : July 2023

License Number 1 : CVC56899

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