The FlaSEIA Solar & Storage Photo Awards Winners will be announced during the 2025 Florida Solar & Storage Summit, May 12-14, 2025 in Tampa, Florida.
The FlaSEIA Solar & Storage Photo Awards program will
- Recognize and reward innovative design and planning
- Expand solar and storage industry awareness to Floridians.
- Provide FlaSEIA members a method for promoting their product by using this competition as a marketing opportunity.
- Stimulate the installation of attractive solar and storage in residential and commercial environments.
Current members of the Florida Solar Energy Industries Association (FlaSEIA) are eligible to submit entries to the contest. The licensed Florida contractor who received payment for the installation is eligible to receive the award. Submissions are accepted from July 8, 2024 – February 15, 2025. By submitting an entry, each contestant agrees to the rules of the contest and states that he or she is 18 years or older.
By participating, the Competitor (“You”) agrees to be fully unconditionally bound by these Rules, and You represent and warrant that You meet the eligibility requirements. In addition, You agree to accept the decisions of FlaSEIA as final and binding as it relates to the content of this Contest.
The first submission for your company is free of charge and allows entry into one category. If you wish to enter more than once, an entry fee of $35 will be applied and invoiced to you, per additional entry. Please note that any additional submissions will not be entered into the contest until the invoice is paid in full. The last day to pay the invoice in full for entry is February 15, 2025.
**Please complete one form submission per project**